Reno Real Estate Roundup 10/5/2012

This is a day late. Had a friend get engaged yesterday and he needed undercover photographers.

Congratulations to the future Mr. and Mrs. D.T. Hansen.

Las Vegas May Be The Next Phoenix-

If you don’t know what this means or why it could be good read this first then come back.

Flood Of Foreclosure Won’t

The shadow inventory is there but do you really think they’re dumb enough to throw the on the market at once (like 2009-2010)? The banks have learned that they can control the market condition.

Bank Of America May Forgive Your Second Lien-

Nothing you can do but hope the letter comes in the mail.

MERS Gets Big Win In Nevada-

MERS can still be the “bene” for foreclosures in Nevada. Take that Washington state.

For more information about buying or selling in Reno/Sparks contact Broker Kent at (775) 870-4280 or


Kristopher Kent, Realtor®
Managing Broker
Phone: 775-870-4280
Fax: 775-870-4281