Reno Real Estate

‘Tis the Season: 4 Reasons Why Winter is a Great Time to Buy a Home
It’s a common misconception that you shouldn’t try to buy a home during the fall and winter months. This is generally considered the “offseason” in real estate. We are quickly approaching what some real estate professionals call the “dead zone:” Thanksgiving through Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Weekend. Cold weather, holidays and a pandemic are […]
Reno Realty Moves Real Estate
Reno Realty is announcing new statistics on residential moves to Reno, NV. As several major economical shifts have taken place in Reno, NV the occupancy rates from both residential and commercial realty leases have seen an astonishing move towards full occupancy. Kristopher Kent, Broker/Owner at Reno Realty has kept track of statistcal data and compiled […]
Weekly Reno/Sparks Real Estate Market Update- 2/4/2011
Reno and Sparks Real Estate Market Update.
Nevada Energy Consumption Evaluation Form No Longer Required.
Well, it's here. The Nevada Energy Consumption Evaluation Form is officially active as of January 1, 2011. This disclosure is to be provided by any seller, whether they're working with a real estate agent or not, when selling a home in the State of Nevada.
Sparks Homes for Sale- 2315 Madrid Drive Sparks, NV 89436
Sparks Home For Sale